🗃ī¸ File system

Xila provides a file system API that allows to manage files and directories on the storage device. In a similar way to Linux, Xila uses a virtual file system that abstracts every peripheral/device as a file.

File systems

Each file system is mounted in the virtual file system and can be accessed through the virtual file system API. A file system can be implemented though the File_system::File_system_trait trait.

File types

Xila supports the following file types:

  • File: A file is a sequence of bytes that can be read and written.
  • Directory: A directory is a file that contains a list of files and directories.
  • Device: A device is a file that represents a peripheral or a device.
  • Pipe: A pipe is a file that allows inter-process communication.


When opening a file, a Unique_file_identifier_type is returned. This identifier is made of a File_system_identifier_type and a File_identifier_type. The File_system_identifier_type is used to identify the file system that the file belongs to, while the File_identifier_type is used to identify the file within the file system.